Designing a Geography-based Climate-Resilient Strategy and Action Plan for the BRAC Skills Development Programme

Designing a Geography-based Climate-Resilient Strategy and Action Plan for the BRAC Skills Development Programme

Scope of work

  • Conduct a comprehensive assessment of the existing programmatic models and interventions through desk review and qualitative analysis of various documents, i.e., SDP Strategic Plan 2021-25, project design documents, standard and operational procedures, toolkits, training modules, etc., to explore and identify strengths and weaknesses of each initiative (STAR, BISD & PROMISE) in terms of climate adaptation.
  • Based on the assessment, utilise BRAC’s Climate Resilience Framework, the World Bank’s Environmental and Social Framework (ESF) and any other relevant frameworks and tools, in consultation with relevant staff from CCP & SDP to guide SDP’s current and future efforts and initiatives in relation to climate adaptation and mitigation.
  • Identify and determine practical, contextualized and scalable geography-based strategies and/ or approaches (i.e., target group, geographical location and/or climate resilient non-farm activities) for potential SDP interventions both existing, i.e., Skills Training for Advancing Resources (STAR), and new ones such as solar technician that could either immediately or progressively be made climate-sensitive, adaptive, and smart.

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