Piloting and knowledge co-creation on the nature-based solution to protect wave erosion in haor areas of Bangladesh

Piloting and knowledge co-creation on the nature-based solution to protect wave erosion in haor areas of Bangladesh

Flood and wave erosion is a significant threat for the haor people. Floods inundate the homestead, and wave erosion is responsible for bank erosion. During the flood, wave erosion increases in the haor which causes the extinction of living islands of haor communities. We are conducting action research to develop wave erosion protection measures through the introduction of nature-based solutions in vulnerable areas.

The specific objectives of the project are as follows:

  1. Gerating scientific evidence and testing nature-based solutions to protect wave erosion in haor.
  2. To co-create knowledge on nature-based solution-oriented wave-erosion protection measures.
  3. To develop a local-led wave erosion protection measure management mechanism.
  4. To sensitize policymakers on nature-based wave erosion protection solutions in the haor area.

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