The Pre-feasibility study on mangrove restoration, conservation, and carbon footprint analysis project

The Pre-feasibility study on mangrove restoration, conservation, and carbon footprint analysis project

The pre-feasibility study will be anchored through the Mangrove Habitat Suitability model. The model will analyze Topographic Parameters, Environmental Parameters, Water Parameters, Soil Parameters, Bioclimatic parameters, Socio-economic Parameters, and Disturbance Parameters. Along with the above-mentioned seven parameters, the study will also capture the following information to identify the potential mangrove restoration and conservation sites and location-specific species suitability.


Components of pre-feasibility assessment

  • Soil & water quality
  • Diameter of mangroves
  • Root-shoot ratio, normally less than 1
  • Soil carbon is to be calculated based on previous info
  • Biodiversity
  • Stem volume of tree (m3)
  • Density of tree species
  • Biomass expansion factor
  • Root-shoot ratio
  • # trees per Ha
  • Size of sample plot in stratum i (ha)
  • # trees per plot
  • The ratio of the area of stratum i to the sum of areas of tree biomass estimation strata
  • Mean change in tree biomass per hectare in stratum i
  • The sum of areas of the tree biomass estimation strata
  • Carbon fraction of tree biomass; t C (t d.m.)-1.

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