Baseline Study for Coastal Disaster Risk Reduction Program of Bangladesh Red Crescent Society
Baseline Study for Coastal Disaster Risk Reduction Program of Bangladesh Red Crescent Society.The purpose of this baseline study was to measure current knowledge, attitude, and practice (KAP) towards disaster risk, and disaster preparedness among households in targeted communities covered by the project. Additionally, the baseline study was conducted to enable…
Baseline study and environmental management framework development for improved cattle farming in Satkhira
Baseline study and environmental management framework development for improved cattle farming in Satkhira.This project aims to Develop a framework and Extension of Livestock (Cattle-based) in Tala Upazila (Satkhira District) by using modern technology and adopting Improved management practices. The aim and objective is to increase income and employment opportunities for…
Source point detection of Methane Gas in South Asia
Source point detection of Methane Gas in South Asia. The objective of The study is: To determine emerging hot spot analysis as an approach to evaluating and monitoring statistically significant clusters of methane concentration in Bangladesh's atmosphere. To locate statistically significant hot spots in To determine the concentration and content…
Development and Extension of Livestock (cow based) cluster in Tala Upazila (Satkhira District) by using modern technology and adopting Improved management practice
Development and Extension of Livestock (cow-based) cluster in Tala Upazila (Satkhira District) by using modern technology and adopting Improved management practices. The aim and objective is to increase income and employment opportunities for cow-rearing entrepreneurs through milk production and the productive use of cow dung. Specific objectives are: To increase…
Assessing and Designing Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Initiatives in Coastal Areas of Bangladesh
Assessing and Designing Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Initiatives in Coastal Areas of Bangladesh.The broad objective of the study is Economic recovery and safety from climate hazards. Access to improved facilities and services and. Resilience building through preparation and upscaling the innovation. Funded By
Final evaluation of the Featuring Green Earth Project, Bangladesh
Final evaluation of the Featuring Green Earth Project, Bangladesh. The objective of the project is to strengthen the dynamic and diverse civil society in Dhaka through The establishment of earth clubs either at secondary schools around selected slum areas or directly in the slum areas themselves and Build the capacity…
Labor Market and Value Chain Assessment in Barishal Division
Labor Market and Value Chain Assessment in Barishal Division. The broad objective of this study is to: To identify technical skills in demand by the labor market and potential employers To understand the mismatch and gaps (Skills, Knowledge and experience) between what job seeker and employers are looking for, whether…
Study on Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Status of Dacope Upazila through Climate Resilient Project
Study on Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Status of Dacope Upazila through Climate Resilient Project.The broad Objectives of the study is: To identify progress of the project against baseline data. To identify the further scope of in three areas of interventions. To find out the effectiveness of the ongoing sustainability project.…
End evaluation study on resilience, empower, support and opportunity for underprivileged communities to reduce climate change effects (RESOURCE)
The general objective of the evaluation is to assess the overall effectiveness and identification of worth of future prospects of continuation of the project if any, for addressing the issue being dealt with by the project. The specific objectives of the evaluation study were as follows: To critically assess the…
SC-Korea Feasibility Study
Study Purpose and Scope The study was conducted to develop a climate change scenario and its vulnerability on multisector and to find feasible resilient activities in terms of climate-resilient development in the study area. The specific objectives of the study are: To analyze existing and previously implemented regulations, policies, plans,…
Climate Strategy Development for Bangladesh
The Broad Objective of this study is to develop climate-resilient society, To develop a climate-resilient society climate resilient actions should be undertaken under five interactive pillars: A) Agriculture and Food Security, social protection, and health • Zero tillage and conservation farming in drought-prone areas (short term). • Promotion of Saline-tolerant,…
Climate-smart value chain assessment for youth employment in Sylhet division
Climate-smart value chain assessment for youth employment in Sylhet division. The broad objective of the study is to identify climate-smart value chains (adaptation, mitigation, greenhouse gas reduction (GHG) potentiality, supporting diversification and value addition, provision of climate-smart production technologies, and nature-based solutions) employment opportunities, and skills in demand in the…
Accountable governance for disaster risk reduction & improved social cohesion between/within the host community and refugees in the Cox’s Bazar Project
Accountable governance for disaster risk reduction & improved social cohesion between/within the host community and refugees in the Cox's Bazar Project. The broad objective of the end-line study is to review the AGDRR project’s performance identifying the achievements against set indicators for the results and outcomes as set in the…
Study on Flood Resilience Program
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the relevance/appropriateness, effectiveness, and efficiency of the response and recovery interventions undertaken by the Bangladesh Flood 2022 operation, to capture learning and identify key areas for improvement, and formulate recommendations to inform the future response to similar operations focusing on shelter; food…
Situation analysis for the designing and planning of a Community-Based Inclusive Development Programme on Disability Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction (DIDRR) in Khulna District, Bangladesh
CONDUCTING PRE-PROJECT ANALYSIS for the designing and planning of a Community-Based Inclusive Development Programme on Disability Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction (DIDRR) in Khulna District, Bangladesh. The Aims and objectives of the study is: Providing support information and elements for planning a new relevant, feasible, sustainable project. identifying and understanding the…
Baseline Study of SUFAL Project Funded by ECHO “Supporting Flood Forecast-based Action and Learning in Bangladesh” (SUFAL)
Supporting Flood Forecast-based Action and Learning in Bangladesh” (SUFAL)The baseline study accumulated data and knowledge of the chosen communities on what the community people know and do practice in regard to flood, sanitation, resilience, DRR; hygiene; livelihood; health, water, and shelter. The purpose of this baseline study is two‐fold: (a)…
Study on social cohesion between Rohingya and Host communities in Teknaf
The study aims to inform evidence-based causes of social tension which are responsible for social cohesion and strategic measures to strengthen cohesion among host and Rohingya communities in the project area. The specific objectives of the study are as follows: To explore the root causes of weakening social cohesion among…
Conducting a Comprehensive Baseline Survey for “Promoting Disaster Ready Inclusive Preparedness towards Adaptation (PRODRIPTA/ প্রদৃপ্ত)
Conducting Comprehensive Baseline Survey for "Promoting Disaster Ready Inclusive Preparedness towards Adaptation (PRODRIPTA). The broad objective of the baseline study is to develop baseline indicators following the logical framework of the project. The specific objectives of the Study are: To capture baseline data for selected project indicators mentioned in Monitoring…
Study on Impact of COVID 19: Lives and livelihoods of childlabors of Bangladesh
Study on Impact of COVID 19: Lives and livelihoods of childlabors of Bangladesh. The objective of the study is to assess the situation of working children and figure out recommendations to improve their livelihoods for advocating with concerned Government department(s). the scope of the study is: To explore the current…
Study On Climate and Livelihood Assessment in Kishorganj District
Study On Climate and Livelihood Assessment in Kishorganj District aims to explore the feasibility of implementing a project that will support resilient livelihoods and climate change adaptation among vulnerable and climate change-affected communities in Kishoreganj. The specific objectives of the assessment are to: Document the Impact of climate change on…
DRR and CCA-related policy reviews identify gaps and prepare recommendations for action through the lens of disability & women’s inclusion
DRR and CCA-related policy reviews identify gaps and prepare recommendations for action through the lens of disability & women’s inclusion is a policy review study which aims to identify the DRR & CCA-related gaps in Bangladesh's policy and practice level to prepare recommendations for action through the lens of disability…
Resilient, Inclusive & Innovative Cities in Bangladesh
Resilient, Inclusive & Innovative Cities in Bangladesh The major objective of the evaluation is to review the value for money of the projectconcentrating on specific criteria such as effectiveness, sustainability, equity, scalability, & cost-effectiveness by: Gather evidence on the project performance by assessing the prescribed set of indicators compared to…
Identification of the production gap towards food security in the current climate context
Identification of the production gap towards food security in the current climate context This study aims to analyze the production trends of the common crops and understand theproduction gap to ensure food security and the factors that may influence the sustainability of food security in Bangladesh. The specific objectives of…
Vulnerability to Resilience (V2R) project
Vulnerability to Resilience (V2R) project Objective of the project To develop climate-smart and disaster-resilient economically viable livelihood options for the climate-vulnerable area. Specifically, the objectives of this assignment are to: To conduct a risk assessment to identify the current and future impacts of climate change on target communities living…
Developing The Policy Brief On Trigger/ Threshold For Cyclone Anticipatory Action
Developing The Policy Brief On Trigger/ Threshold For Cyclone Anticipatory Action To assess and improve the efficacy of early action and anticipatory measures in Bangladesh by scrutinizing the cyclone forecast thresholds. This policy brief aims to provide valuable insights and actionable recommendations to enhance the country's resilience and response capabilities…
Designing a Geography-based Climate-Resilient Strategy and Action Plan for the BRAC Skills Development Programme
Designing a Geography-based Climate-Resilient Strategy and Action Plan for the BRAC Skills Development Programme Scope of work Conduct a comprehensive assessment of the existing programmatic models and interventions through desk review and qualitative analysis of various documents, i.e., SDP Strategic Plan 2021-25, project design documents, standard and operational procedures, toolkits,…
Developing Disaster Risk Management Plan (Community Risk Assessment, Risk Reduction Action Plan, Risk Mapping and Contingency Plan) in 03 Districts (Dhaka, Rajshahi, and Sylhet) of Bangladesh under the project Pilot Programmatic Partnership (PPP).
Developing Disaster Risk Management Plan (Community Risk Assessment, Risk Reduction Action Plan, Risk Mapping and Contingency Plan) in 03 Districts (Dhaka, Rajshahi, and Sylhet) of Bangladesh under the project Pilot Programmatic Partnership (PPP). Objectives of the study The broad objective of this consultancy work is to develop a comprehensive Disaster…
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of Plastics Recycling Facility” BRAC Urban Development Program led project: “Towards a comprehensive and human-centered plastic waste”
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of Plastics Recycling Facility" BRAC Urban Development Program led project: "Towards a comprehensive and human-centered plastic waste Objectives To assess the potential environmental impacts of the proposed waste recycling plant in Cox's Bazar. To identify mitigation measures to minimize adverse environmental effects and promote sustainability. To…
Developing Climate Smart Village
Developing Climate Smart Village Objective of the study The broad objective of the study is to conduct a climate-smart village approach assessment of the FHB Area Programs in Bangladesh and propose a set of recommendations in terms of climate-smart village approach initiated and implemented in different parts of Africa…
Developing City Climate Risk Profiles for Bagerhat and Satkhira municipalities
Developing City Climate Risk Profiles for Bagerhat and Satkhira municipalities Objectives of the study The broad objective of the study is to devleop a comprehensive understanding of the vulnerability of the Satkhira and Bagerhat municipalities and to identify effective adaptation measures that can be implemented to reduce vulnerability and the…
Conducting a Market Scoping Study for Plastic Waste Recycling
Conducting a Market Scoping Study for Plastic Waste Recycling Objectives of the study The broad objective of the study is to develop a business model focusing on consumer demand for plastic recycled/upcycled end products at the local markets. The specific objectives of the study are: To understand the current patterns…
Study on Analysis and modeling of the climate adaptive technologies for crop production and their diseases and pest management
Study on Analysis and modeling of the climate adaptive technologies forcrop production and their diseases and pest management Objectives of the study This study aims to investigate the dynamics of climate change adaptation, innovation, and technology adaptation in the agriculture sector of Bangladesh. Scope of study To analyze, modelling, and…
Assessment and developing a climate-adaptive framework, strategy, and action plan for the BRAC Skills Development Programme
Assessment and developing a climate-adaptive framework, strategy, and action plan for the BRAC Skills Development Programme Objectives The broad objective of the assignment is to assess and strategize BRAC's Skills Development Programme to be more climate-adaptive and incorporate skills training for green jobs within SDP's current and future initiatives exploring…
Research Partnership on Indigenous Climate Adaptation Knowledge of Bangladesh
Research Partnership on Indigenous Climate Adaptation Knowledge of Bangladesh Objectives of the study The study aims to document and investigate the dynamics of Indigenous and Local Knowledge and their contribution to climate resilience climate change adaptation, mitigation, and value-added knowledge development through integrating scientific knowledge. The specific objectives of the…
Endline study of the project – Panii Jibon Phase III
Endline study of the project – Panii Jibon Phase III Objective of the Study To conduct an endline evaluation to determine the endline condition concerning the outcome and output indicators to assess the performance of the project in terms of effectiveness, efficiency, impact, and sustainability and also to find the…