The Journal of Climate Science and Policy (JCSP) is an open-access and double-blind peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles emphasizing research, development, and application within the broad coverage, including a wide range of topics related to climate change such as climate-resilient development, climate-induced disaster, climate-resilient agriculture and livelihoods, climate change and health, climate risk insurance, nature-based solutions, ecosystem-based adaptation, human security and social protection, climate displacement, climate-smart employment, and entrepreneurship, etc. The JCSP endeavors to provide a global platform for the dynamic exchange of ideas and findings from research and practice of various disciplines, including earth science, social and community development, social business, entrepreneurial activities, financial inclusion, and all other scientific evidence highlighting climate change and development. It is essential reading for developmental practitioners, policymakers, and all those concerned with research, development practice, and teaching in the field of climate change. The JCSP reviews papers within the shortest possible time of submission and publishes accepted articles biennially (June and December).