Conducting a Comprehensive Baseline Survey for “Promoting Disaster Ready Inclusive Preparedness towards Adaptation (PRODRIPTA/ প্রদৃপ্ত)

Conducting Comprehensive Baseline Survey for “Promoting Disaster Ready Inclusive Preparedness towards Adaptation (PRODRIPTA). The broad objective of the baseline study is to develop baseline indicators following the logical framework of the project. 

The specific objectives of the Study are:

  • To capture baseline data for selected project indicators mentioned in Monitoring and Evaluation and Learning (MEL) plans;
  • To collect baseline data beyond project MEL plan on community disaster readiness, indigenous knowledge on early warning, early actions and disaster response to identify an unmet humanitarian need, new group, and stakeholders as well as gender-based violence (GBV), control over resources of women and men. This will ensure that project achievement can be effectively assessed during mid-term and end-line evaluation and foster learning.

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