Accountable governance for disaster risk reduction & improved social cohesion between/within the host community and refugees in the Cox’s Bazar Project. The broad objective of the end-line study is to review the AGDRR project’s performance identifying the achievements against set indicators for the results and outcomes as set in the Log frame and to identify good practices, problems, and challenges faced during implementation and how those were overcome and addressed. The specific objectives are:
- To provide updated status of the log frame indicators (all for Specific Objective Indicators and Outcome Indicators)
- To identify the achieved results aligning with the set indicators and how those were achieved
- To identify changes in the lives of community people and other stakeholders (knowledge, attitude, and practice relevant to hazard management, DRR & Social Cohesion) by the project intervention;
- To assess the institutionalizing process into different government departments and agencies and its sustainability.
- To suggest and/or recommend for designing the next phase of the project following lessons learned, promising practices, and impacts of the project