Climate-smart value chain assessment for youth employment in Sylhet division

Climate-smart value chain assessment for youth employment in Sylhet division. The broad objective of the study is to identify climate-smart value chains (adaptation, mitigation, greenhouse gas reduction (GHG) potentiality, supporting diversification and value addition, provision of climate-smart production technologies, and nature-based solutions) employment opportunities, and skills in demand in the Sylhet region.The study is designed and executed with four major objectives:

1) To assess the labor market (especially youth and women) and the potential of the sectors/markets particularly the climate-smart sector in the project location because of generating business and employment opportunities for the out-of-job youth population.
2) To map out market actors of the climate-smart sector and the value chains that are associated with it.
3) To identify the opportunities for inclusion of lead firms/private sector partners in the identified growth sectors and their potential to strengthen the markets of the selected regions.
4) To identify the opportunities for linkage between existing incubator/accelerator programs (particularly access to finance) and their efficacy and success rate.

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