Labor Market and Value Chain Assessment in Barishal Division. The broad objective of this study is to:
- To identify technical skills in demand by the labor market and potential employers
- To understand the mismatch and gaps (Skills, Knowledge and experience) between what job seeker and employers are looking for, whether real or perceived.
- To identify High growth sectors and businesses and active and functioning value chains in the areas which have potential for new entrepreneurs and businesses and the development of existing businesses seeking expansion; this would be areas where there is potential to integrate or create new value chains thus enabling the inclusion of new and expanded businesses’ and also providing new job opportunities for job seekers from the slum.
- To identify constraints and opportunities in the wider market system including understanding how informal and cultural norms may play in the job market and determining the supporting services that may enable individuals to find steady work
- To understand gender specific dynamics in labor market and value chain
- To identify a portfolio of intervention as outlined in the scope of the assessment