Study Purpose and Scope
The study was conducted to develop a climate change scenario and its vulnerability on multisector and to find feasible resilient activities in terms of climate-resilient development in the study area. The specific objectives of the study are:
- To analyze existing and previously implemented regulations, policies, plans, and programs on climate change adaptation of the government and non-government organizations targetting resilience in subdistricts of Sathkhira district.
- To analyze national and regional climate change trends and the vulnerability of Satkhira.
- To identify the needs of vulnerable populations at risk of climate change.
- To develop a multisector climate resilience system for the study area.
Methodology & Limitations
Study design
The study has adopted a participatory and multi-disciplinary approach to collecting primary and secondary data to reach the research objective. The study has adopted the following interactive methods in quantitative and qualitative data collection:
- Collection and review of long-term climate and weather data (temperature, rainfall, and wind speed) and disaster data
- Review of literature, including national and international strategies and policies
- Participatory research, including Household Survey (HHS), Focus Group Discussion (FGD), and Key Informant Interview (KII)